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Most questions related to your student and their school will need to be handled directly by the school they attend. You can call or email the front office of your student's school via the building contact information here.






How Can We Help You?

  • Have a general question about your student or their school/classroom?
    • If you have a student who is preschool age or needs Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), call the Little Tigers Early Learning Center (LTELC) office at (573) 372-6261 or email their assigned teacher. If your student is in Grades K-5, call our main campus Versailles Elementary Office at (573) 378-4272 or email their assigned teacher.  If your student is in Grades 6-8, please call the Versailles Middle School Office at (573) 378-5432 or email the specific teacher/staff member you have questions for. If your student is in Grades 9-12, please call our High School Office at (573) 378-4697 or email the specific teacher/staff member you have questions for. If you need to email a teacher or staff member, see our Staff Directory

  • Need information about instructional programs or the district's curriculum?
    • Contact our Curriculum Director by calling the Morgan County School District Central Office at (573) 378-4231 or email

  • For Employment Verification or Employment Inquiries:
    • Please contact the Morgan County R-II School District Central Office at (573) 378-4231 or email the Superintendent’s Secretary, Danielle Johnson, at

  • If you have a school bus-related question or issue:
    • Please contact our Transportation Office at (573) 569-7015 or email our Transportation Director, Aaron Allen, at

  • Need information about a sports or extracurricular activity?
    • Contact the Morgan County R-II School District Activities & Athletics Department Office at (573) 569-7015 or email Aaron Allen, our Activities/Athletics Director, at

  • Do you have a question for the Morgan County R-II School District Board of Education?
    • Please contact the Superintendent's Office at (573) 378-4231 or email the Board of Education Secretary, Danielle Johnson, at

  • Are you a member of the media?

  • Have questions about the Website, Auto-Calls/Texts, Marquee, or Morgan County R-II Schools Social Media?

  • If you're needing a copy of your high school transcript or student records:
    • Please call our High School Office at (573) 378-4697 or email the High School Counselor’s Office Secretary, Pam Dykzeul, at

  • Do you have a question about your student's district-assigned Chromebook? Does it need a repair?
    • Please call our Technology Department Office at (573) 569-9091.