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The Morgan County R-II Human Resource Department is committed to an environment of trust and respect. We value teamwork and strive for quality internal and external communications. In keeping with this commitment, we endeavor to maintain excellence through establishing clear policies and procedures, continuous evaluation and reflection on improvement, professional development, and utilizing tools and technology to achieve our goals when possible.
All applicants must complete an application. If you need assistance, please visit our Central Administrative Office at 913 West Newton Street, Versailles, 65084, to have your questions answered before submitting your application. For more information about job openings and the application process, click here: Work for MCR-II.
Click on the link for the FMLA Know Your Rights poster and wait for it to load into the viewer.
Applicants for admission or employment, students, parents of elementary and secondary school students, employees, sources of referral and applicants for employment, and all professional organizations that have entered into agreements with the district are hereby notified that the district does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by law, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities.
Compliance Coordinators
Dr. Vanessa Cochran Curriculum Director Title IX Compliance Coordinator Morgan County R-II School District 913 West Newton Street Versailles, MO 65084 Phone: (573) 378-4231 Fax: (573) 378-5714 |
Erin Smith Special Services Director 504 and ADA Compliance Coordinator Morgan County R-II School District 913 West Newton Street Versailles, MO 65084 Phone: (573) 378-7068 Fax: (573) 378-5714 |
Human Resources Staff
Marc Spunaugle
Superintendent of Schools
Ph: 573.378.4231
Fx: 573.378.5417
913 West Newton Street
Versailles, Missouri 65084
Danielle Johnson
Secretary to the Superintendent
Board of Education Secretary
Ph: 573.378.4231
Fx: 573.569.5417
913 West Newton Street
Versailles, Missouri 65084
Lucretia Thurman
Payroll & Benefits
Ph: 573.378.4231
Fx: 573.378.5417
913 West Newton Street
Versailles, Missouri 65084