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Security Procedures

The Morgan County R-II School District strives to ensure student safety throughout the school day.  For this reason, all visitors will be required to provide a sign-in at the entrance of the front office of each building.  While in the building, visitors must wear their visitor badge and only be in areas necessary for their visit.  Volunteers must go through volunteer paperwork procedures including a background check before interacting with students.

When signing out children during the school day, parents/guardians or approved emergency contacts must present a valid driver’s license before students will be released.



Courage2Report is Missouri's statewide safety threat alerting system. Please visit their website to learn more: Courage2Report.

We urge anyone with student safety concerns to make a report immediately to help keep our students safe.


Different Methods of Communication

  • Text Message: Check that your cell phone number is up-to-date in your Parent Portal in Infinite Campus and ParentSquare.
  • Email: Check that you have a current email in your Parent Portal in Infinite Campus and ParentSquare.
  • Automated Phone Call: Check that your cell and home phone numbers are up-to-date in your Parent Portal in Infinite Campus and ParentSquare.
    • In order to update your contact information please call your student's assigned building office.
  • School Website: A message will be posted at the top of or in a pop-up on the homepage of the school district’s website. The district website may also be utilized when other sources of communication are not accessible or working properly. 
  • Social Media: Connect with the school district on social media. 
  • Local TV: The school district will be added to the TV's list of closings and cancellations (KRCG-TV 13 and KOMU-TV 8).
  • Local Radio: The school district will be added to the radio station's list of closings and cancellations (KS 95 radio station in Versailles - FM 95.1, KRMS-KY94 in Osage Beach - FM 93.5 and AM1150 and KCVO in Camdenton - FM 91.7). The district may also utilize Versailles – FM 95.1 when there is a Wide Area Network (WAN) outage and cell phone towers are down should they need to get important information out to parents. Also, this radio station may be utilized if there is a power outage on or around campus and we are unable to get access to the Internet for communication purposes utilizing our other communication channels. 


AMI & Snow Days

If bad weather, temperatures, or road conditions make it unsafe for students to get to school, we may choose to call an AMI distance learning day to meet the required number of school instructional hours as determined by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). The use of AMI days may also make it possible for the district to not have to update our current board-approved calendar. The district is allowed up to 36 AMI hours (approx. 4-5 days). A school day is approximately 7.2 hours. The state of Missouri allows distance learning from home, which they call "alternative methods of instruction," or AMI.

Please contact your student’s teacher using our Staff Directory or the ParentSquare app if you have questions about AMI schoolwork. 

Versailles Elementary AMI Day Resources

A graphic explaining AMI Days for Morgan County R-II School District, including what AMI Days are, expectations, and why they are used.


Or, the school may choose to use the other system of calling a snow day. Please note that the district annual calendar also includes snow makeup days, with some hours built into our calendar.

Notifications will be sent to families via auto-dial system, text message, e-mail, listed on our school website and social media outlets, as well as local news & radio stations. 


Early Dismissal Days for Students:

We might announce an early dismissal if inclement weather happens during the school day. Notifications will be sent to families via auto-dial system, text message, e-mail, listed on our school website and social media outlets, as well as local news & radio stations. 


2024-2025 School Bus Snow Routes

If parents/guardians have questions or need further information on any bus route, please call your student’s bus driver. Bus driver contact information can be found on the School Bus Snow Routes List or see our 24-25 Bus Driver List. If you need to contact the Transportation Office, please call 573.569.7015.



What You Can Expect During a Crisis?

The crisis plan will be implemented immediately. The school-based crisis response team will respond as necessary.

  • Both 911 and the school district School Resource Officers (SROs) will be informed and respond immediately and appropriately.
  • Depending on the situation, the staff and students may be secured within the school building or evacuated from the school building.
  • Appropriate Versailles and/or Morgan County public safety/emergency response personnel will be dispatched to the school site.
  • If the situation merits a district crisis team response and communications team, they will be dispatched to the school site.
  • The utmost care will be extended to the students and staff for their safety and welfare.
  • A telephone call or letter explaining the crisis and the response will be sent. If possible, you may also receive short updates via text at the time of the crisis. Again, it is important to keep in mind that at the time of a crisis, our focus is the safety and welfare of our students and staff first and foremost. Therefore, please keep this in mind and please keep our phone lines open so we can use them to communicate with the proper officials. Communications to parents will come as soon as they can be sent. 

Parents/Guardian Response to a Crisis At School

  1. Do not come to the school. You may not be able to get into the school or parking area. You may put yourself in harm’s way or you may interfere with the emergency response actions of the personnel at the school site or of those attempting to get into the school site.
  2. Stay where you are. Listen for information and instructions. Information will be conveyed through ParentSquare first (Infinite Campus Parent Portal Messenger could be utilized as a backup if needed), through the district’s Morgan County R-II School District Website as needed, and through local media.
  3. You will be informed of where to go to be reunited with your child. The “Reunification Site” for your school is the place where you will be allowed to pick up your child. Please bring your driver’s license or state-issued ID with you as identification.
  4. Please be patient and follow the instructions. Several precautionary measures will be in place to ensure the safe return of your child and the children of many other parents like you. We must take these measures for the safety of all.
  5. Do not call the school or your child if he or she has a cell phone. The circuits and cell towers you are using may be essential for the emergency response personnel.
  6. School will resume as quickly as possible. It is true that “getting back to normal” is the most reassuring response for children and adults.
  7. After the crisis, talk with your child about the situation and listen to your child’s fears and concerns. Share ongoing concerns with your child’s teacher, school principal, and/or school counselor. If we can provide further services to support your student, please let us know. 



To ensure schools are prepared to proactively handle the threat of an intruder or active shooter, the Morgan County R-II School District utilizes ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training.  Below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding ALICE.