Web Instructions for Registration Through Parent Portal
24-25 Student Handbooks
24-25 School Supply Lists
If your student is attending Versailles High School it is recommended that you visit with their assigned teachers during Open House to determine the required supplies needed for their courses. In general, high school students will need the following to organize their school work:
Online Registration for Current Students
Web Instructions for Registration Through Parent Portal
Online Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be available beginning Tuesday, July 30th through your Infinite Campus parent portal account. You will receive additional information in an email from Nicole Whitfield (whitfieldn@versaillestigers.org) later this month. New families to the district will need to contact their child's school office to start the student registration process in person (see below) unless your student completed Kindergarten screening or preschool screening in the Spring of 2024.
If you have a student who participated in Kindergarten/Preschool screening, you should be able to register him/her as part of your family if you have other students who are returning OR you will receive an activation key via email just prior to the opening of online registration. You will use the activation code to set up your parent portal, create a username and password, and complete registration. If you would rather register in-person, please contact the LTELC office at (573)372-6261 beginning August 5th.
All returning students (K-12) will need to complete online registration during open enrollment (at their school building or online).
Parents can receive assistance during in-person registration on the following dates:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 (8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 (8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.)
Thursday, August 8, 2024 (8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
High school students will have some forms that need to be completed at the high school office as part of the registration process and will need to visit with their building counselor to review their building schedule during the in-person registration period in August. The following high school grades should come on these corresponding dates, if possible:
Seniors (August 6th)
Juniors and Sophomores (August 7th)
Freshmen and New High School Students (August 8th)
It is recommended that a parent/guardian complete the online registration if at all possible to ensure the information is correct. It is recommended that parents have emergency contact information prepared and readily available for registration. High school students will have some forms that need to be completed at the high school office as part of the registration process and they will need to visit with their building counselor to review their building schedule during the registration period in August.
After registering in person, parents of students in grades 6-12 can go to the high school commons to complete their annual purchase of student Chromebook insurance.
Infinite Campus has a mobile app, called Campus Parents, available for parents and guardians. Download your free app for real-time access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, announcements, and more. Please note that schedules will be available closer to the start of the school year.
Below are links for additional resources to learn more about Infinite Campus.
Additional Resources and Links
Chromebook Insurance
The purpose of our 1:1 initiative is to put current technology into the hands of all students to help enhance, personalize, and accelerate the rigor of our academic program, to prepare students for college and career, and for state and local assessment purposes. The devices are a tool for learning and should not take the place of the teacher and are to be utilized to enhance learning and to assess student learning. They are not to be utilized at all times and/or for every learning activity. They are only to be utilized when appropriate for learning and instruction. Students may also utilize their devices to access online textbooks, and learning activities assigned by the teacher, as well as to take required state and district assessments.
The Morgan County R-II School District purchases and owns the Chromebook and distributes them to students to use for educational purposes during the academic year. Grades 6th thru 12th are also allowed to take the computers home to complete their studies, as long as students follow the expectations set forth in the student handbooks and technology usage guidelines and district policies. Whenever students leave our school district/un-enroll, their parent/guardian must return the student's assigned Chromebook (including their bag and charger). At the end of the school year, students will be expected to return their assigned Chromebooks (including bag/case and charger) as part of a collection process. During that process, the student-assigned Chromebook will be inspected, updated, and maintained by school district technology staff.
The district provides the GoGuardian App to parents of registered students as a resource to provide the ability to pause their student's internet when at home, block specific websites when at home, and schedule internet availability when at home. It also helps you know where your student has been when on the Internet. Because it is a district-owned device, students may be blocked from sites considered harmful to minors per the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) or found to be a distraction to learning and instruction.
Cost of Insurance: Chromebook insurance is based on a sliding scale. This scale is based on your previous year's Free or Reduced Breakfast/Lunch status. If needed, we can have the building office process your current Free and Reduced application to update your status.
Chromebook Insurance Fee Scale
*If you have more than two students, you will only pay for two students. This is an annual fee. All repairs must be done by our technology department.
The insurance fee goes toward paying for any initial damage to the Chromebook and/or wear and tear to the case and charger, which is not intentional. The second or third time a student's Chromebook incurs damage within the school year, a fee of $20 will be charged to assist in covering the cost (as long as it was not intentional or out of the case/bag). After that, the full cost of supplies to fix will be charged to the student and their parent/guardian. If a student intentionally damages their Chromebook in any way, they will be charged the full cost to repair all parts damaged. The full replacement cost of a student Chromebook is $350.
Students receive a new Chromebook in 6th grade and will use the same Chromebook throughout their years in middle school. When moving on to high school they receive a new Chromebook in 9th grade. Students will use the same Chromebook throughout high school. Upon graduation, a student's Chromebook will be released to them and they will then own their Chromebook.
Enrolling A New Student
New families to the district will need to contact their child's school office to start the student registration process in-person. If your student participated in Preschool/Kindergarten screening in Spring 2024, they may register as a returning student (see above).
In order to complete your enrollment for a new student, the following items will need to be brought to your student's designated building office:
If there is a parent/guardian legal custody agreement or court order, please have a copy of this available or be able to produce a copy of this document no later than the first day of the 24-25 school year (Tuesday, August 20th).
24-25 Board Approved District Calendar
View and download the 2024-2025 District Calendar here.
Freshman Student Orientation
Here is the student orientation schedule for freshman students:
Open House Schedule
Here is the open house schedule for our buildings:
School Meals
Meal prices for the 2024-2025 school year:
Elementary Breakfast $2.60
MS/HS Breakfast $2.60
Adult Breakfast $3.10
Elementary Lunch $3.20
MS/HS Lunch $3.35
Adult Lunch $4.10
Extra Milk/Juice $0.55
Free and Reduced Meal Application
With the new school year starting soon, the Morgan County R-II School District is encouraging families to complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application.
Parents are asked to fill out the Free and Reduced Meal Application for the 2024-2025 school year. The school idstrict is encourating all families to fill out an application. Even if you think your family will not qualify, your application can help our school district in many different areas including federal funding and qualifying for grants. Completing an application is the only way to be considered for free or reduced meals.
You can fill out the application online via your Infinite Campus parent portal during online registration, download and print off a paper copy of the application to complete, or pick up a paper copy at one of our building offices during in-person registration to complete. A link to fill out an online application is available in the parent portal in Infinite Campus, by clicking the "More" tab on the menu on the main page. You can turn in the completed form to your child's school office or central office.
If you have any questions regarding free or reduced meals or need assistance with filling out an application, please call your students building office.
*Instructions, eligibility criteria, and Frequently Asked Questions are included.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about the 2024-2025 school year, please contact central office during the month of July. Starting July 29th, you can contact your student's school building office for additional information. You can also send an email to whitfieldn@versaillestigers.org.
District Communications
The Morgan County R-II School District uses a variety of methods of communication to share school-related news, reminders and important information with parents/guardians and the community.
For parents/guardians with students in the district, it is important that you have a current email address and cell phone number in your student information system parent portal. Please check to make sure your contact information is up-to-date in your account so you are receiving all school-related communication from the district, building principals and your child's teachers.
Important emails will be sent from either the webmaster@versaillestigers.org email address and text messages, will be sent from the district number, 82290 and you will receive automated phone calls from the phone number, (573) 378-4231.
The primary method of communication the district and school buildings use is email. The district and school buildings will also send text messages to parents/guardians about important reminders, time-sensitive updates and any other urgent matters. The district will use automated phone calls for weather-related closing information and other urgent matters.
Other forms of communciation the school district utilizes include the district's website, www.versaillestigers.org, ParentSquare, and the district and building social media accounts. More information will be coming about ParentSquare in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions about the school district's communications, please call (573) 378-4145 or email whitfieldn@versaillestigers.org.