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District Administrative Offices

913 West Newton Street
Versailles, MO 65084
Phone: (573) 378-4231  Fax: (573) 378-5714

Please note our special summer hours for the District Administrative Offices are:

Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Fridays - All Offices Closed

During the regular school year the hours for the District Administrative Offices are:

Monday - Friday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Enrolling New Students for the 2024-2025 School Year

Early Childhood Special Education Students

Please contact the Little Tigers Early Learning Center (LTELC) office at (573) 372-6261 to determine if there are current openings.


Preschool Students

Children must be 4 years old on or before July 31, 2024 to enroll into preschool for the 2024-2025 school year. If they are brand new to the district and did not participate in preschool screening at the Morgan County R-II School District, you must call the Little Tigers Early Learning Center (LTELC) Office at (573) 372-6261 to see if there is room in one of our preschool programs.


Those who completed Preschool Screening and placed in a preschool program will need to complete online registration during open enrollment (at the school building or online). Online registration will open July 29, 2024.


Kindergarten Students

Children must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2024 to enroll in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Enrollments for NEW students in all grades for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted starting August 6, 2024. All new students must be enrolled at their building office. If they are brand new to the district and did not attend preschool at Morgan County R-II previously or complete Kindergarten screening, you must call the Versailles Elementary Office at (573) 378-4272 for more information about enrollment.


Those who completed Kindergarten Screening will need to complete online registration during open enrollment (at the school building or online). Online registration will open July 29, 2024.


1st-12th Grade Students

Enrollments for NEW students in all grades for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted starting August 6, 2024. All new students must be enrolled at their building office. For information about enrolling a new student in 1st - 5th grade, please call the Versailles Elementary Office at (573) 378-4272. For information about enrolling a new student in 6th - 8th grade, please call the Versailles Middle School Office at (573) 378-5432. For information about enrolling a new student in 9th - 12th grade, please call the Versailles High School Office at (573) 378-4697.


Returning students will need to complete online registration during open enrollment (at the school building or online). Online registration will open July 29, 2024. High school students will have some forms that need to be completed at the high school office as part of the registration process and will need to visit with their building counselor to review their building schedule during the registration period in August.


In order to complete your enrollment, the following items will need to be brought to your student's designated building office:

  • Student's birth certificate
  • Immunization record
  • Any legal documents pertaining to the student (custody papers, guardianship documents, ex-parte orders, etc.)
  • Your photo ID
  • 2 proofs of residency dated within the last 60 days that include the parent/legal guardian's name and address:
    • Utility bill
    • Cable/satellite bill
    • Land line phone bill
    • Signed housing contract/lease
    • DFS or Social Services documentation
    • Paycheck stub that includes current address


Parent Resources

More details on our Parent PortalSupply ListsFood Service, Health Services, Technology Usage, and Transportation.


Student Resources

More details on our Student Portal, Student Email, Google Resources, and Transportation.

  • If you have questions about Registration, contact your students school building office. If your student is in Grades PK-5, call our Elementary Office at (573) 378-4272. If your student is in Grades 6-8, call our Middle School Office at (573) 378-5432. If your student is in Grades 9-12, call our High School Office at (573) 378-4697.
  • If you have questions about School Boundary Lines, contact the Transportation Office at (573) 569-7015.
  • If you have questions about the Parent or Student Portal, call our Communications Office at (573) 378-4145. 
  • If you have questions about the Calendar, contact the Activities/Athletics Office at (573) 569-7015.
  • If you have questions about the Website, Auto-Calls/Texts or MCR-II Schools Social Media call the Communications Office at (573) 378-4145. 
  • If you are a member of the media, contact the district superintendent, Dr. Steve Barnes, at our Central Administrative Office at (573) 378-4231.
  • For Employment Verification or Employment Inquiries, please contact our Central Administrative Office at (573) 378-4231. 
  • If you have a school bus-related question or issue, please call our Transportation Office at (573) 569-7015.
  • Do you have a question for the MCR-II Board of Education? Please contact the superintendent, Dr. Steve Barnes, at our Central Administrative Office at (573) 378-4231.
  • Have a general question about your student or their school/classroom? If your student is in Grades PK-5, call our Elementary Office at (573) 378-4272 (Versailles) or (573) 372-6261 (South Elementary). If your student is in Grades 6-8, call our Middle School Office at (573) 378-5432. If your student is in Grades 9-12, call our High School Office at (573) 378-4697.
  • If you're needing a copy of your high school transcript or student records, you can find details here on how to request those documents.